Zed Axis / Quickbooks Import Error: Transaction Not In Balance


The article will explain:

  • One of the common import errors encountered when importing into Quickbooks
  • How to identify the error
  • How to modify the export file to resolve the error

When importing sales and takings data into QuickBooks via Zed Axis, OrderMate exports the "Ex Tax" values. As QuickBooks calculates dollar values to 5 decimal places internally, this can occasionally result in an import not balancing. If an import doesn't balance, QuickBooks will not accept it.

Fortunately, there is a simple workaround if you encounter this issue. All you need to import these unbalanced days is Microsoft Excel.

Step 1 - Identifying the Error

  1. When you import to QuickBooks via Zed Axis, the import summary screen will display the import results for each shift. Any shifts that status of "Success" have imported fine. Any shifts that have an "Error" status have not been imported.
  2. Hover the mouse over the error message. This will display a description of why the shift was not imported.
  3. Take a note of the "Ref" number for the shifts that have not imported. For example "OM654".

Step 2 - Modifying the Export File

  1. Open up the export file using Microsoft Excel. If the export file contains shifts that were successfully imported, you should delete these rows from the file and do a "Save As" so that you have an export file that contains only the shifts that failed to import.
  2. The example below shows our failed export file in Excel. This file contains the one shift that has failed to import

  3. To work around the rounding error, we will need to add 1 cent to either the debit or credit column. Most of the time the problem can be solved by simply adding 1 cent to the debit column.
  4. The easiest way to do this to do copy the last row of the shift and set the "Debit Ex-Tax Amount" and "Debit Inc-Tax Amount" to be "0.01" as below

  5. Because of the way QuickBooks rounds dollar amounts, it's not always going to import by simply adding 1cent to the debit column. If the same error occurs, you should try repeating the above steps using: 
    • 1 cent in the debit column
    • 1 cent in the credit column
    • 2 cents in the debit column
    • 2 cents in the credit column
    • 3 cents in the debit column
    • 3 cents in the credit column
    • 4 cents in the debit column
    • 4 cents in the credit column

  6. After trying these balancing figures, if the shift still won't import. Please raise a support ticket with Zed Axis who will be able to assist you in troubleshooting the import process further.