Working with Item Sizes


When adding a new menu item, selecting a 'Size' is required. Before it can be assigned, the desired size must first be created in the 'Sizes' section in OfficeMate. For menu items offered in multiple sizes, each size must be created separately and assigned to the corresponding 'Size' category. Additionally, sizes can be configured to appear on dockets if needed. 

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Where ‘Sizes’ are shown

  • Log into OfficeMate and navigate to the 'Sizes' screen in the navigation panel. 

  • Label: this determines the display name for: 
    - Menu items in OfficeMate.
    - Menu items in WaiterMate.
    - Tax invoices. 
    - Reports in OfficeMate.

  • Short Name: This appears on:
    - Prep dockets or KTS.
    - Can be left blank if not needed on prep dockets

  • Sequences:
    - Sizes are displayed alphabetically in WaiterMate by default
    - Assigning a sequence number changes the order to numerical display on WaiterMate

Creating a New ‘Size’

  • Select the 'New' icon at the top of the screen to open the 'Edit Sizes' dialog box. 
  • Fill in the details for Label, Short Name, and Sequence as described above.
  • Click 'OK' to confirm and save the new size.