Stock Pre Production


Often menu items contain multiple stock items and are prepared in advance of being sold. 'Pre Production' will allow the individual stock items to be decremented at the time this stock item is 'Used' instead of when it is sold. 

Set up the Stock Items for the Ingredients

Prior to entering a recipe to a stock item, the individual ingredients must first be set up as Stock Items.

Adding Pre Production Ingredients to a Stock Item

To create a recipe for something that is pre made or produced, it should be created as a Stock Item. This can be done in the usual way with a few slight variations;

  • A Supplier should be created for the venue - eg Kitchen
  • The measure unit and purchase quantity should be set up in the way that the item is likely to be produced in, such as 1 litres container
  • The purchase cost can be manually added to the item
  • Create a new stock item by selecting the 'New' icon from the top of the screen.
  • Select the pre production ingredients from the top of the 'Edit Stock Item' box.

Choose the 'Add' icon from the bottom of this box.

  • Add the stock item to be used and the quantity to be decremented in relation to how the purchase quantity has been set up, i.e. 20 grams of Garlic per litre of Napoli Sauce.
  • Repeat until all items for this recipe have been added.
  • The cost displayed on the 'Pre Production Ingredients' is calculated from the cost of the stock item of the ingredients used.
  • This figure can be manually added as the 'Purchase Cost' in the 'Basic' tab.

Producing the Stock Item

  • Navigate to the Pre Production screen in OfficeMate
  • Select the 'Produce Item' icon from the top of the screen
  • Select the 'Stock Item to produce' by selecting the none box
  • Choose the stock area the item is to be produced in
  • Choose the quantity to be produced

Choose the stock area the item is to be produced in
  • Choose the quantity to be produced
  • A list of stock items to be decremented, their quantity and the cost for each will be displayed

From the Pre Production screen, a list of all 'produced' items are displayed. This can be refined by date range, user and also by stock area
  • Select the 'Delete' icon from the top of the screen to remove any produced items if required

Note: If a stock item is decremented prior to it being entered into 'Pre Production' it will decrement any stock items used for the item, and they will be displayed in the pre production screen as if they had been manually produced.