Stock on Hand Report


The Stock On Hand Report is one of the reports included with the Stock Control Module. It is used to look at the current stock levels and Unit Costs of Stock Items.

Note: To find the report search 'Stock on Hand' in OfficeMate

The Information in the Report


  • This is the folder (or Stock Group) that the stock item is found in within OfficeMate


  • The label of the Stock Item

QTY on Hand

  • The current count that OfficeMate has recorded the Stock Item at. 

Unit Cost (ex GST)

  • The individual cost of the stock item as a unit, exclusive of GST. This is calculated by the purchase cost of the Outer Container of the stock item, divided by the total units purchased.

Unit Cost (inc GST)

  • The individual cost of the stock item as a unit, inclusive of GST.
  • This is calculated by the purchase cost of the Outer Container of the stock item, divided by the total units purchased.

Total Cost (ex GST)

  • The total cost value of all the combined stock of the Stock Item, exclusive of GST.
  • This is calculated by the quantity on hand, multiplied by the unit cost.

Total Cost (inc GST)

  • The total cost value of all the combined stock of the Stock Item, inclusive of GST.
  • This is calculated by the quantity on hand, multiplied by the unit cost.