Stock Control Glossary of Terms


OrderMate stock control is an advanced stock management system that allows businesses to manage incoming and outgoing stock. Following is a glossary of terms for some of the terms commonly used relating to this feature.

Video Tutorial: Watch our Introduction to Stock Control video tutorial - Here

Stock Setup

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.


Where stock is purchased from.

Stock Areas

Stock held can be separated into 'Area's' for the purpose of reporting and/or counting.


How a stock item is linked to a menu item. Determines the quantity decremented from the stock item when used.

Stock Items 

How the stock is purchased.

Par Levels

Set a minimum or maximum amount of stock to be held when automatically ordering.

Stock Maintenance

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.


A stock count that will be compared to the expected stock levels in the software.


How to bring stock in to the system at the correct quantity and cost.

Credit Note

How to remove any stock from the system that has not actually been received or has been returned to the supplier.

Delivery Note

How to bring stock into the system if the invoice was not provided with the order.

Suggested Ordering

Allows a purchase order to be created with quantities automatically set based on pre set par levels.

Par Levels

Minimum and maximum quantities can be set for each stock item so a suggested order can be created based on the par levels.


Allows stock on hand values to be altered by adjusting stock in or out of the system.


Stock can be transferred between stock areas from OfficeMate or WaiterMate.


Stock items can be recorded as wastage if the item is damaged, spoiled or used for anything out of its normal use.

Pre production

How to decrement stock items that are used as part of the kitchen production but not necessarily sold as menu items.


Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

Stock on Hand

The amount and value of stock currently held in the stock control system.

Period Stock

Reports all figures that affect the value of the stock on hand between stocktakes.


Reports the cost of goods sold.

Sales by area

Sales and gross profit of items sold by each stock area.

Stock usage

Reports stock sold or adjusted during the reporting period.

Item GP

The gross profit of the menu item excluding price adjustments.

Stock Item History

History of invoices for individual stock items.


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