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  2. OfficeMate
  3. Loyalty Points, Gift Vouchers & Coupons

Revoking Coupons


Coupons can be revoked or cancelled if needed after they have been assigned to a customer. Once revoked, the customer will be unable to redeem the coupon.

  • Begin by logging into OfficeMate
  • Navigate to the 'Coupons Admin' screen in the navigation panel

Select the coupon type from the drop down box at the top or type in the coupon Unique ID if known

To view the details of any coupon, including which customer it has been assigned to, double click on the coupon. The follow screen will display. Select 'Ok' to close this screen.

Select the coupon you wish to revoke and select 'Delete' from the toolbar at the top of the screen

To revoke multiple coupons at the same time, highlight the coupons by clicking and dragging and then select 'Delete'
  • When the customer is selected in WaiterMate, this coupon will no longer be available to redeem