Re-directing Printers via WaiterMate

This article will explain:

  • How to redirect dockets to a different printer

Note: Users will need the required level of permission to be able to perform these tasks

Re-directing printers is used to change the usual location of a prep docket to another physical printer. The Virtual Printer is the docket itself and Real Printers are the physical printers. You may need to do this if you need to take a printer offline, for example.

How to redirect dockets to a different printer

  1. Login to WaiterMate
  2. On the bottom right of any account type, select 'System Admin'

  3. Select 'Printing' tab at the top

  4. In the printing tab, select 'Redirect Printers'
  5. Select The Virtual Printer and select the Real Printer to re-direct to. Selected printers will turn green
  6. Select 'OK' to save changes

Note: This change is permanent and will not revert at the end of day. You can follow the above process again to revert changes.