This article explains 'Pickup' Phone Orders feature in WaiterMate, enabling customers to place phone orders for in-store collection. Orders are processed using the 'Phone Account' type, allowing preparation dockets to print at the time of ordering and payments to be made upon pickup.
Step 1 - Placing 'Pickup' Phone Orders
1. Once the customer has requested to place a phone order, log into WatierMate and select the 'Phone' Tab from the top of the screen
3. Choose the 'New Pickup Order' from the lower section of the screen to initiate an order
Step 2 - Search for the Customer
Each phone order must have a customer assigned to it. These customer details will be stored in a customer database, which can later be accessed. Any orders placed in the future can then be assigned to the same customer and a history of this customers' orders reviewed.
- Use the 'Search for customer' filter to locate existing customers
- If not match is found, proceed to add a new customer
Note: begin with the customer phone number as this is most likely the fastest way to identify a returning customer.
Step 3 - Add a 'New' Customer
1. Select the 'Add Customer' icon from the bottom right hand side of the screen.
2.Input customer details - 'First Name' is the only field that is required to be filled.
3. Select the 'Ok' icon from the bottom of the screen.
Step 4 - Place the Order
1. Use the menu to add items to the order.
2. 'Save' the order once complete
Step 5 - Finalising the Order
1. 'Edit Comment': Adds notes and special instructions to the prep docket
2. Date Due: A future order can be placed by adjusting the 'Date Due' field.
3. Delivery: If the Delivery module is enabled, this order can be changed to be a delivery type by selecting the Delivery icon.
4. Time Due: If this order is required at a specific time, the time can be changed using the hours or minutes icons.
5. Confirm changes by selecting the 'Ok' icon.
Step 6 - Viewing the Orders
Once the orders have been placed, they can be seen on the main page of the phone order screen. From here they can be selected to either edit, or process payment. Phone orders will be automatically removed from this view once they have been paid off.