Oolio Pay - Using Opay (Pay @ Table)

Opay is an OrderMate app that runs on the eftpos pinpad and allows a table or bar tab bill to be viewed and paid for by the customer at the table.

How to use Opay

1. Login with a WaiterMate PIN

2. The app will display a list of all open Tables and Bar Tabs

3. Select a Table or Bar tab to view the bill. Choose 'Continue' to pay the whole amount or 'Split Bill' to pay only a partial amount.

4. If 'Continue' is selected, a prompt will appear to add a tip. These prompts can be configured or disabled (see further on in this guide)

5. The customer should then complete the payment on the device. Once the payment is approved, a prompt will display asking if the customer would like a receipt via email. Enter the customer email address to receive the receipt.  

The email will look like this;

How to Split the Bill

If 'Split Bill' is selected a prompt will display to choose one of the following:

a. Split by Patron - the number of patrons on the table then needs to be entered along with how many patrons the customer is paying for

b. Spilt by Product - the products to be paid for need to be selected

c. Custom Amount - enter the amount to be paid

Note: when a Split Bill method has been used, a different Split Bill method cannot be used for subsequent transactions on the same account. 


Configuring Tipping and Split Bill options

The Tipping and Split Bill settings can be adjusted in OfficeMate.

1. Log in and navigate to Setup/Configuration/Opay Settings

2. Untick/tick to disable or enable the following:

  • Patron Split Enabled: If Split by patron can be selected in the split bill screen in Opay
  • Item Split Enabled: If Split by product can be selected in the split bill screen in Opay
  • Split Bill Enabled: If splitting the bill can be performed in an Opay transaction (if disabled all splits are disabled)
  • Tipping Enabled: If tipping is enabled in Opay transactions.

3. To configure Tips, navigate to Setup/Configuration/Opay Tipping Defaults. The Tip Amount and Tip Prompt fields can be edited.

: to refresh the changes made in OfficeMate in the Opay app, either log out and back into the app, or drag the table list down.