When a connection error happens, transactions over OPAY will fail to be applied to the account. This article help you understand the error and re-try the payment.
1. Error with applying payment error
2. Why this will happen?
Firstly is to understand how OPAY works:
- OPAY get the table info from the OM server
- OPAY will initiate the payment and send a request to the Oolio Pay acquirer.
- Oolio Pay acquirer will acknowledge the transaction and pull up the payment screen. Stop point #1
- Oolio Pay acquirer will verify the payment and send the payment status back to the OPAY device.
- The OPAY device will send the payment confirmation back to the OM server to close the table. Stop point #2
If there is a connection error at Stop point #1
An instant EFTPOS error will come up, for example, declined, rejected etc.
OPAY will show a screen that says the transaction connection was dropped, please check to see if the transaction was successful on the transaction history.
Once confirmed please try to initiate the payment from OPAY again.
If OPAY/the EFTPOS is offline, please follow this guide to change the network connection
Oolio Pay - Connect to WiFi / Switching to 4G
If there is a connection error at Stop point #2
The [Error with applying for payment] will show up.
We will automatically resend the payment to OM.
Please follow the following guide to resend the payment info back to the OM server.
Since we recognise that the transaction was successful, it's more so a chance to make sure that everything is connected properly/no internet dropout
3. To rectify the applying payment error.
- Get back to the table list
- Select Previous Order - This will pull up the last successful transaction on OPAY
- Press Resend
- Process the resend to close the account
4. To prevent/avoid the error
It's clear that the error is caused by a connection error between the OPAY device and the server.
We need to make sure both the OPAY device and the server has a good connection quality.
- For OPAY device
It's a wireless device and if connected to store Wifi, please make sure the Wifi is a dedicated network for POS ONLY. If it's a big venue, please consider installing a wireless access point to ensure coverage and connectivity.
If the OPAY device is running on 4G, please make sure the signal is good.
Follow this guide to change the connection type on your OPAY device.
Oolio Pay - Connect to WiFi / Switching to 4G
- For the OM server.
Normally it's a wired device. Please make sure the local network is stable and the router has stable outbound connectivity.
Feel free to reach out to the OM support team to run an outbound connection quality test.