Linkly (Prev. PC-EFTPOS) Integration Setup

This article will explain how to integrate OrderMate with Linkly Pinpads. OrderMate has the ability to be integrated with different Bank Pinpads via USB if they are connected to a touch screen (they cannot be integrated off a tablet).

Step 1 - Linkly to install the Linkly software

  1. Contact Linkly ( - 02 9998 9800
  • Monday to Friday - 8:00 am to 10:00 pm (ADEST)
  • Saturday - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (AEDST)
  • Sunday - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (AEDST)
  1. Linkly will then step you through getting remote access to the appropriate touch screen/s
  2. Linkly will then install their software accordingly, this must all happen first before the OrderMate part can then be integrated.

Step 2 - Configure the integration in OrderMate

  1. On the WaiterMate terminal, we are installing the EFTPOS select the Go into the "I" in the top right of the login screen, then select the cloud in the top left.
  2. Take note of the numbers next to "This Address"
  3. Log in to WaiterMate, Select System Admin (Bottom Right), System (Top), Exit to Exit WaiterMate
  4. Load OfficeMate
  5. Search for Terminals (Top Left)
  6. Find the WaiterMate Terminal that matches the IP we took note of in step 2 and take note.
  7. Search for Cash Drawers (Top Left)
  8. Open each Cash Drawer one at a time until you find the one with your Terminal (that we took note of in step 10) ticked under "Terminal Access"
  9. Go to EFTPOS on the Left
  10. Add an EFTPOS terminal by pressing the + (New) button at the top.
  11. Please note: If "EFTPOS" is not visible in officemate please email and they will ensure that EFTPOS integration has been activated on your system.
  12. Change the "Eftpos Type" to "Ingenico"
  13. Select the cash drawer that we took note of in step 8.
  14. Merchant ID & Terminal ID is not a required field, this should be left blank
  15. "Online" should be ticked
  16. Everything else should be left as the default value
  17. Press "Ok"

  18. Start Waitermate from the Windows Desktop by double-tapping on the icon
  19. Test a payment from Waitermate and check that the Linkly dialog prompt shows up. This indicates that the integration is successfully working as the PinPad will receive the dollar amount being sent automatically.