How to create a shortcut icon (App) to The OrderMate Portal on your mobile, tablet or computer.

This article will explain:

  • How to create a shortcut to the OrderMate portal on your Mobile, Tablet or Computer.

The OrderMate portal can be accessed at

To Create a Shortcut Icon on your Computer

  1. Login to the OrderMate portal at
  2. Click the settings icon in the top right.
  3. Click Install App.
  4. If you see a popup, click "Install"


  5. If you see the below popup tick "Create Desktop Shortcut" and click "Allow"

  6. You will now have a shortcut on your desktop.

    To Create a Shortcut Icon on your iPhone / iPad

    1. Login to The OrderMate Portal at on Safari.
    2. Click the Share Icon

    3. Click "Add to Home Screen"

    4. Click "Add"

      1. You will now have an icon to the OM Portal on your Home Screen

        To Create a Shortcut Icon on your Android/Samsung Device

        1. Login to The OrderMate Portal at on Chrome
        2. Click the settings icon in the top right.

        3. Click Install App.

        4. Click Install

        5. You will now have an icon to the OM Portal on your Home Screen