Doshii Integration Setup


Technical Setup

  1. Ensure the venue is on 3.0.0zj at a minimum.

  2. Ensure Archer Online Service is installed and running.

  3. Go to the Officemate -> ‘Integrations’ page. This will query our cloud servers and ask about current integrations that are set up and also available for the given store. This is via a web request, so please wait a second before the table is filled:

  4. Once you have hooked up with Doshii, you will need to upload the menu, table data and site information. To do this, you can click the little button on the left side of Officemate:

  • Ctrl + Click the Symbol will show separated Syncing

This will present a dialog with the options of synchronising various parts. By default, everything is ticked. Clicking ‘Synchronise’ will make three separate requests, one for the menu, the table and site info. It is recommended to sync one option at a time.

5. Reply back to Doshii with the respective screenshot of the information that the generated,

as the below ID is required.
