To manage the Deliverect integration, menu changes must be synced between OrderMate and Deliverect. New, removed, or updated items should be made in OrderMate and imported to Deliverect using the sync function.
This ensures that when the item is ordered from one of the online ordering platforms, it can be accepted as an order in OrderMate.
What the integration does
- The Deliverect platform is integrated to an OrderMate price level
- The OrderMate menu is then sync'd to the Deliverect platform
- The menu can then be customised in the Deliverect platform, per channel
Flat price combos are included in the menu sync
Modifiers such as options, plus's and minus's can be included/excluded in the menu sync
Getting the Menu Ready
Prior to the Deliverect integration being configured, it is recommended that a dedicated price level in OrderMate is created. This provides the ability to be able to customise the products in the Deliverect menu sync, such as different prices or specific items being included or excluded from the sync.
To create or edit a price level;
- See our Creating a Price Level guide
- Item prices can be manually edited in this price level by selecting the 'Item Prices' tab and altering the price
- Items can be removed from this price level by selecting the 'Item Prices' tab and selecting 'Backspace/Delete' on your keyboard to remove the price
Most online ordering platforms don't support the setup of portions such as Half-Half. We suggest that for items set up in OrderMate using portions, the prices are excluded for the portion in the item prices tab so that they are not included in the sync.
Working with Sizes
Sometimes menu items are created in OrderMate using multiple sizes for a range of reasons including to sell the product at different prices or even to decrement different amounts or stock items for each different size of the product. The terminology that deliverect uses for sizes is 'Variant'. These items usually would already be created in OrderMate and so included in the Deliverect menu sync however it is possible to exclude one or more sizes of an item if it is not required in the online ordering platforms by excluding it from the Deliverect price level.
To create a new size or to assign a size to a new item;
- See our Sizes guide
Setting up Combos
Combos are a way to bundle menu items together to be sold as a special price or deal within the OrderMate system. Flat price combos can be included in the Deliverect menu sync and are a simple and easy way to set up any online promotions.
To create or edit a flat price combo;
- See our Creating Combo's guide
Configuring Modifiers
Modifiers are a way that menu items can be edited in the OrderMate system. These modifiers are included in the Deliverect menu sync so they can be included in the setup of the online platforms. Modifiers including pluses, options, and minuses sometimes are not required or wanted in the online ordering platforms for the end customer to have access to, so they can be disabled in OfficeMate by unticking the 'Available Online' tickbox as shown in the image below
To edit the modifiers see our;
- Plus Groups guide
- Option Groups guide
- Creating Menu Items guide (to see minuses)
Sync your Menu with Deliverect
Whenever you make any changes to the products within your POS, you will need to sync these changes to your Deliverect account. This allows you to update any existing products, add or remove products, and prevent orders from failing.
To sync your menu in Deliverect;
- See the Deliverect Help Center guide