Creating Menu Sections


Menu sections in WaiterMate improve navigation by grouping and organising menu items effectively. Subsections provide additional categorisation for better structure. These sections are created, edited, or removed in OfficeMate, with customisation options such as naming, colours, triggers, and activation strategies to suit business requirements.

Menu sections appear on the left-hand side of the WaiterMate screen and organise menu items for efficient access. Subsections further categorise items for clarity. Sales associated with menu sections are tracked and reported in OfficeMate.


How to Create or Edit a Menu Section

Step 1: Creating a New Menu Section

  1. Log in to OfficeMate and navigate to the Sections screen.

  2. Select the required Profile from the dropdown menu.

  3. Highlight the profile name (e.g., "Menu") at the top of the section list.

  4. Select the New icon on the toolbar.

  5. A new Menu section, labeled No Label Set, will appear and can be renamed. 


To Create a Subsection

  1. Select the parent section and select the New Icon.

  1. Drag the subsection to the desired parent section if needed. 

To Delete a Section
  1. Select the section from the list and click the Delete icon on the toolbar.
    Caution: Deleting a section will also delete its associated menu items. 


Step 2: Editing a Menu Section

Once a Section is created, the following can be customised:

  • Menu Section Name: Displayed in WaiterMate and reports
  • Sequence: Sets the order in WaiterMate. 
  • Foreground Colour: Font colour of the button in WaiterMate. 
  • Background Colour: Button colour in WaiterMate.
  • External ID: Used with RMS integration (additional software required).
  • Active Status: If unchecked, the section won't appear in WaiterMate. 
  • Triggers: Attach or remove triggers that activate the section. 
  • Activation Strategy: Set whether All Triggers or Any Trigger are required for activation. 
  • Editing Permission: Define the minimum user permission level to edit the section. 

Video Tutorial

Watch our step-by-step video tutorial here.