Creating a New Customer Category

This article will explain:

  • How to create a new customer category
  • How to assign a customer to a category

Customer categories can be created to allow customers to be grouped. Different categories can then be allocated discounts or deals.

How to create a customer category

  1. Login to OfficeMate and navigate to Customers & Debtors/Customer Category
  2. Select the 'New' icon from the top of the screen to create a new category
  3. Label the category, tick if it is to be the default category for new customers and tick if loyalty points are enabled for this category

How to assign a customer to a category

Any new customer will automatically be assigned to the default customer category. To change this in OfficeMate:

  1. Navigate to Customers & Debtors/Customers
  2. Use the search filters to find the customer you wish to edit
  3. Click in the 'Category' field and select the new category
  4. Select 'Save' from the top of the screen