This article will explain how to apply item-level discount as well as how to apply a discount to the whole bill. A discount is a reduction in the price of an item or a total bill, often used to provide promotional offers, loyalty rewards, or compensation for specific situations. WaiterMate allows discounts to be applied either to individual items or to the entire order with ease.
Option 1 - Item Level Discount
Apply a discount to individual items.
1. From the ordering screen, click on the item name to open the modifier screen.
2. Select the ‘Discount’ button.
3. Choose between the 'Percentage' or 'Dollar Amount' tabs, and select the desired discount.
Option 2 - Apply discounts from the Payment Screen in WaiterMate
Both ‘Item Level’ and ‘Account Level’ discounts can be applied from the ‘Pay’ screen. Account level discounts apply to the whole bill, and Item level discounts only apply to selected items.
Account Discount:
Account level discounts apply to the whole bill.
- From the payment screen, select 'Account Discount'.
- Select 'Dollar Amount' or 'Percentage'.
- Select the relevant discount to apply to the entire account.
- you will be returned to the payment screen, and the discount will be applied.
Item Level:
Item Level discounts only apply to selected items.
- From the payment screen, select 'Item Discount'
- Select the relevant 'Course'
- Select the items you want to discount (multiple items can be selected)
- Select 'OK' to confirm the selection.
- Select 'Dollar Amount' or 'Percentage'.
- Select the relevant discount to apply to the items.
- you will be returned to the payment screen, and the discount will be applied.