Advanced Add and Removes


This article explains the Advanced Add/Remove feature, which works with Plus Groups to allow users to adjust the quantity of an ingredient or item in non-whole amounts, such as doubling an ingredient. The feature automatically applies a predetermined multiplier to adjust the price accordingly. This allows price modifications to be made without requiring management-level permissions, making it easier for users to handle price changes for altered menu items. 

Step 1 - Enabling ‘Advanced Add/Removes’

    1. Log in to OfficeMate. 
    2. Navigate to the 'OrderMate Properties' screen in the navigation panel.

    3. Select the 'Ordering' tab. 
    4. Ensure 'Advanced Add Remove' is ticked. 
  1. WaiterMate will need to be restarted after enabling this feature. 

Step 2 – Creating a new ‘Advanced Add/Removes’

    1. Log in to OfficeMate. 
    2. Navigate to the 'Advanced Add/Removes' screen in OfficeMate. 
  1. Select the 'New' icon from the top of the screen to add a new funtion. 
  2. The new function will now be displayed on the screen 

Step 3 - Editing a ‘Advanced Add/Removes’

  1. Select the 'Advanced Add/Remove' item to edit. 
  2. Edit the following details: 
    • Name: This will be displayed in WaiterMate, on tax invoices, and reports. 
    • Short Name: This will appear on the prep docket. 
    • Multiplier: The price of the plus ingredient will be multiplied by this figure. 
    • Sequence: Assign a numerical order to the buttons in WaiterMate. Without a sequence, they will appear alphabetically. 
    • Type: Set whether the button is available from the 'Plus' screen, 'Minus' screen, or both ('All'). 

  3. WaiterMate will need to be restarted after adding or editing an Advanced Add/Remove function. 


Step 4 - Using ‘Advanced Add/Removes’ in WaiterMate

    1. Order the item as usual in WaiterMate.
    2. Before saving, navigate to the modifier screen by selecting the item name. 
  1. The Advanced Add/Remove buttons will be listed on the right-hand side of the modifier screen. 
  2. Ensure that the button is selected before choosing the plus ingredient if the altered multiplier is required.