Triggers are used to activate events or features in the OrderMate software. An account type trigger is used to activate events based on which account type is being used to place an order in WaiterMate. For example, a 'Tables' trigger may activate a different price level than a 'Takeaway' trigger would.
Creating the Trigger
Example 1 - Simple Account Type Trigger
Navigate to Triggers in the navigation panel in OfficeMate
Select the New icon at the top of the screen
Name the Trigger eg Dine in
Select the Type - Account Type Trigger
Negate will reverse the logic of the trigger, so leave this field blank
Select the Can Override field so this trigger can be manually enabled, or disabled from WaiterMate if required
Select the Account Type eg TABLE
Select the Green Tick to finalise
Example 2 - Multiple Account Types Trigger
Often venues would like multiple account types to activate something, like both 'Dine in' and 'Bar Tabs' to access a dine in price level. This can be achieved by creating a composite trigger containing all of the account types that need to be included.
Navigate to Triggers in the navigation panel in OfficeMate
Select the New icon at the top of the screen
Name the Trigger eg Dine in
Select the Type - Composite Trigger (a trigger that contains other triggers)
Negate will reverse the logic of the trigger, so leave this field blank
Select the Can Override field so this trigger can be manually enabled, or disabled from WaiterMate if required
Select Any Triggers for the activation strategy so that any of the account types will enable this feature
Next add the Sub Triggers
Select the Add icon below the Sub-Triggers box
Name the Trigger eg Table Account
Select the Type - Account Type Trigger
Select the Can Override field so this trigger can be manually enabled, or disabled from WaiterMate if required
Select the Account Type eg TABLE
Select the Green Tick to finalise
Repeat this step for all for the account types required