WaiterMate allows you to enter in Wastage so you can report on which items have been wasted in a specific time frame.
You can enter an item as wastage in WaiterMate if the item has already been ordered to a table.
Note: To be able to enter in Wastage, you need to have the Stock Control module. Users also will need the required level of permission to be able to perform this task.
Note: This can also be performed in OfficeMate. Here's how to do that.
Entering Ordered Items as Wastage
If items have already been ordered to a table and you wish you remove and record items as wastage, follow the steps below:
1. Login to WaiterMate using your pin.
2. Select the table you wish to remove items from.
3. Next to the item on the right, select 'X' to remove the item from the order.
4. Select 'Save' on the bottom right.
5. Select 'Yes' if you wish to record the item as wastage.
6. Write a note as a reference to why it is wastage.