This article will explain:
- What a Cashdrawer Skim is
- How to enter a Cashdrawer Skim in WaiterMate
- How to enter a Cashdrawer Skim in OfficeMate
What is a Cashdrawer Skim?
Cashdrawer skims are performed to reduce the amount of cash kept in the cashdrawer at any one time. Usually this is done as a security precaution.
Cashdrawer skims allow for the amount of cash that has been removed to be pre-counted and recorded for later reconciliation of the days takings.
How to enter a Cashdrawer Skim in WaiterMate
Note: Users will need the required level of permission to be able to perform this task
Log into WaiterMate
1. Select 'System Admin' from the bottom right hand side of the screen
2. Select 'Daily Tasks' from the tabs across the top of the screen
3. Select the 'Cashdrawer' icon
4. Select 'Skims'
5. Select Cash and then enter the amount of cash required and then the 'OK' icon
6. To view this skim or previous skims select the 'View Skims' icon
How to enter a Cashdrawer Skim in OfficeMate
Cashdrawer skims can also be recorded in OfficeMate and is often used as a more secure way to count the amount skimmed so that large amounts of cash are not being counted in front of the patrons of the venue.
1. Log into OfficeMate
2. Navigate to 'Daily Tasks' in the navigation panel
3. Select 'Reconciliation' and start a new reconciliation if one has not already been started
4. 'Cashdrawer Skims' are shown in a dialog box in the centre of the screen.
5. Edit a cashdrawer skim by selecting in the 'Skims' column in the appropriate Cash Drawer row
6. Cashdrawer skims can be added or removed by selecting the appropriate icons
For information on Waitermate Reports, please click here.
For information on Reconciliation, please click here.