This article will explain:
- How to add a new tables to your floor plan
- How to edit table icons
- How to move and delete tables
- How to create a new 'section'
- How to save your work
What is a Table Floor Plan?
The OrderMate software has multiple account types available. The 'Table Account' type is typically used for 'a la carte' style service where orders are placed on a table but the customer will not immediately pay for the items.
Additional items or subsequent orders can be added to a table account. By creating a 'Table Layout' or 'Floor Plan' any user needing to access this account can have a visual layout of the venue.
Step 1 - Accessing the Table Setup Screen
- Log into WaiterMate.
- Select 'System Admin'
- From the top screen, make sure 'Daily Tasks' is selected.
- Select the 'Table Setup' icon.
Step 2 - Add New Table Icons
- Select the 'Add' icon from the panel on the right hand side of the screen
- Select the desired table icon.
- Place the icon on the floor plan by pressing the screen roughly where it needs to be positioned.
- Continue to do this with the same icon until all the desired tables for this icon have been placed.
- if desired, repeat steps 1-4 with other icons until all required tables have been positioned.
Step 3 - Editing your Table Icons
- Select the Edit icon from the panel on the right hand side of the screen to open the 'Edit' dialog box.
- Select the keyboard icon and then type the name for the table in the keypad
- By choosing the 'Can Order to Table' icon, the status of the table can be set or to allow or dis-allow orders. (Sometimes it is useful to add points of reference such as the bar or entrance but not allow the staff to order to this icon)
- The icon can be re selected by choosing the 'Change Table icon' image.
- Select 'Ok' to save the changes.
Handy Hint: If you are using Tyro 'Pay at table' EFTPOS, table icons can only be represented by a number.
Step 4 - Moving Table Icons
- Select the 'Move' icon from the panel on the right hand side of the screen.
- Choose the desired table from the floor plan and drag it into the desired position.
Handy Hint: If the 'Lock to grid' Image is selected, it is easier to align the tables.
Step 5 - Deleting your Tables
- Select the 'Delete' icon from the panel on the right hand side of the screen.
- Touch any icons on the floor plan that need to be removed. (Note - tables that have active orders on them cannot be removed)
Step 6 - Adding a New Section to the Floor Plan
- From the middle section of the panel on the right hand side of the screen, additional sections can be added, Edited or Deleted by selecting the corresponding icon.
- Selecting the 'Edit' icon will open the 'Edit Section' dialog box.
- Additional sections will be shown at the bottom of the WaiterMate screen and can have a separate table layout.
Step 7 - Saving your Floor Plan
1. Saving the floor plan from the panel on the right hand side of the screen will ensure that this floor plan becomes the default floor plan.
Please note:
If you see Table Sections starting with the section name and ending with HH, these are online tables typically being used for Order & Pay @ Table solutions, such as HungryHungry integration / Doshii / Deliverect etc
OrderMate will typically mass duplicate all sections and tables on initial 3rd party integration, however the venue operators will need to manage any additional tables / sections in future and communication with the 3rd parties to import accordingly.