This article will explain:
- What a Category is
- How to create a new Category
- Where Category sales are reported
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What is a Category?
Each menu item must be assigned to a ‘Sales Category’. Before creating a new menu item the categories must have first been created. Once assigned to a menu item, they will later be shown on many of the ‘Sales’ reports in both OfficeMate and WaiterMate. Many of the reports can be refined by these categories.
Step 1 - Creating or Editing a Category
1. Navigate to the ‘Category’ screen in OfficeMate
2. Existing categories can be seen
3. Menu items will be automatically assigned to (Not allocated) if another category is not chosen.
4. To add a new category select the ‘New’ icon from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
5. To edit an existing category select the category and choose the ‘Edit’ icon from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Category Name – This will become the display name on the reports.
GL Code – General Ledger Codes are only required with limited 'custom accounting software' integration.
Key Category – Used in conjunction with OrderMate business central software (additional software required).
Sequence – Display the ‘Category’ in numerical order in the WaiterMate report.
Step 3 - Categories Shown in WaiterMate Reports
1. Category Sales can be seen in WaiterMate Reports by going into System Admin > Reports > Account Sales. This report can be viewed or printed at any time.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the report for the breakdown of ‘Category Sales’ as shown below.