This article will explain:
- What a 'Refund' is
- How to perform a 'Quick Refund'
What is a 'Refund':
A Refund is when a customer has purchased items, but needs to have their payment reversed.
This can be done quickly and easily in WaiterMate, without needing to find the closed account, using the quick refund feature. This feature can only be accessed depending on the permission level for the user.
Step 1 - Order the Item to be Refunded
1. Select the item to be refunded as if the item was to be ordered
2. From the order review panel on the right, select the item name to enter the modifier screen
Step 2 - Set the Item to Refund
1. From the modifier screen, select the 'Refund' button
If the stock control module is enabled, choose if this item is to be wasted or not
2. From this screen, the ordered quantity will now appear as a negative quantity
Note: It is also possible to reverse the refund if this step was done in error
3. Select the 'OK' icon to continue
The item will now appear in the ordering panel as a negative order quantity and a negative price
Step 3 - Process the Reverse Payment
1. Select the 'Pay' icon to go to the payment screen
2. The 'Amount Due' will be a negative amount
3. Select the desired payment type to return the payment to the customer ie. cash
4. Process the payment
5. The payment will be shown as a negative payment and the amount due will become zero dollars.