This article will explain:
- What Menu Sections are
- How to create a new Menu Section
- How to edit a Menu Section
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Menu sections are seen on the left hand side of the WaiterMate screen. Menu items are then listed within the menu sections to organise them into an order that makes it easier for the user to find these items. ‘Sub’ sections can also be created to further categorise or sort the items. Menu section sales can be reported on in OfficeMate reports.
Step 1 - Creating a New Menu ‘Section’
Begin by logging into OfficeMate
Navigate to the ‘Sections’ screen in the navigation panel
Existing menu sections will be listed as shown.
Begin by selecting the profile it is required for from the drop down menu.
Select on the profile name at the top of the menu section list (In this case it is Menu).
Select the ‘New’ icon from the top of the screen.
The new menu section will be added to the list show as ‘No Label Set’ and can be edited
To create a ‘Sub’ Section, select on the section for which the sub section needs to be under and then choose the ‘New’ icon from the top of the screen.
If the sub section is in the wrong section, it can be moved by clicking on it and dragging it to desired section.
To delete a menu section, choose the section from the list and then select the ‘Delete’ icon from the top of the screen. Be careful when doing this as if there are any menu items currently in this section, they will also be deleted.
Step 2 - Editing a menu ‘Section’
Once the menu section has been created it can be edited. The following view will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen. Select each field as required to be edited.
Menu Section Name – The name for the section in WaiterMate and also for reports.
Sequence – Assign a numerical order to the WaiterMate display of the sections by setting a sequence number.
Foreground Color – The color of the ‘Font’ on the button in WaiterMate.
Background Color – The color for the actual ‘Button’ in WaiterMate.
External ID – Used in conjunction with RMS integration (additional software required).
Active – If unticked the menu section will not be available in WaiterMate.
Triggers – Attach or remove any triggers required to activate this section by selecting ‘Add’ or ‘Remove’ (see creating triggers).
Activation Strategy – If multiple triggers are attached, choose if ‘All Triggers’ or ‘Any Triggers’ are required to activate this section.
Editing Permission - Assigning the user permission level as the minimum permission to edit menu section.